Kettlebells are an amazing tool: posture, strength, and non-impact cardio all in one. And YouTube is an easy way to learn everything from computer tips to changing a bike flat. So why not put them together and learn how to swing a kettlebell by watching a how-to demo? Uh… in a word, no.

Protect Your Back

Before turning you into a time-efficient workout machine, kettlebells actually require an up-front investment of some technical learning. It’s basically a deadlift, with all the technical background that the lift alone entails, done in a ballistic fashion. You need to put together using your core, engaging your lats, maintaining a neutral spine, and hip hinging with the glutes – and all this, at speed. It can be tricky at first, and the low back in particular can pay if it doesn’t come together well.

The Coach’s Eye

The coach’s eye is necessary when there’s this much going on in a movement.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched learners gain an “aha” moment with a well-placed intervention. Sometimes it’s as simple as first checking, “Can I touch your glutes?” (I had one student at BCIT say, “I was warned about this!”), and then giving a sharp push at just the right moment. It may mean using the dowel drill to check/maintain neutral spine. It may mean having you step on a pair of weight plates or dumbbells to minimize your quad involvement.

The point is, when learning what’s essentially the basis for every kettlebell move, what you think you’re doing often isn’t quite what you’re doing. Even a few sessions with an experienced, certified kettlebell trainer are well worth the investment of your time and money.

Check for initials such as SFG or RKC when evaluating your trainer’s credentials.

Contact me to book a private session.

NOTE: This is not a substitute for medical advice.