Why should we deadlift? Simply put, because it’s incredibly functional. For me, it’s a key pillar of aging well, and some variant of the deadlift is accessible to almost everyone.
Below I’ve listed key considerations when deadlifting. I usually take more about 3 hours to run through these when I teach it in my workshop, so seriously, please contact me if you need more detail!
- Differences between a squat and a deadlift? Weight is closer to ground; back line only (therefore flat shoes or barefoot is preferable); no eccentric pre-stretch
- Neutral spine (dowel check)
- Tripod foot
- Packing shoulders (lats)
- Centre of mass – means shoulder blades over bar; bar over mid foot; fairly vertical shin; sumo is more low back friendly if hip mobility allows – parallel feet in conventional stance – long tights or pants, tall socks and/or shin guards are a good idea
- Hip hinge
- Hips are dynamic while core is working statically/isometrically
- Hip movement is forward, not up as with squat
- Breathing: must have air inside you at the bottom of the move while loaded
- Gaze / neutral neck
- Setup, setup, setup!
Whew! Now you can lift lighter loads safely.
When it gets heavier:
- Diaphragm brace is the best stabilizer – it can take some practice, and it’s best to get it under control in a slow and relaxed manner first – consider 90/90 or crocodile position – consider target belt – can visualize something stuck in bubble tea straw
When it gets really heavy:
- Low reps – more nervous system involvement
- Grip: mixed vs hook
- Full-body tension – no energy “leaks”
- We need our own “pre-stretch” for this particular lift – can load front of foot first
- Full intent – visualization can be helpful
- Equipment considerations: friction. Chalk on hands. Some use baby powder up thighs in competition.
- Belt??
Programming considerations
- One-legged for stability work is important
- Males usually only deadlift once a week; females can tolerate higher volume (and working closer to 1RM)
- Don’t be greedy! Respect this lift in particular
- Deload is critical
And there you have it, tons of food for thought. Anything new in there for you, or did something really resonate? Please stay in touch!