Squats: They come up in any class, most training sessions – and for good reason. They’re so useful! They both require and develop lower body stability and strength in a way that can be incrementally challenged by loading the movement, and with good technique, they will protect your knees, not bother them.

Here’s how to get there safely.

First, do a small jump or two to see where your feet land for starting point; usually, that’s hip to shoulder width. Turn your toes out slightly to encourage space in your hips.   Start by standing tall, and keep your torso tall throughout.

Sit straight back as if aiming for an invisible chair that’s close to you. Your arms and hands can come forward as counter weights. Use your hips to keep your knees pushed out to the side. Your gaze stays slightly forward, as if gazing to the horizon.

The eventual goal as you squat properly is to descend below parallel, i.e. with the crease of your hip joint closer to the ground than your kneecap; be patient while you build your stability and strength, and if you experience pain with the movement, you should consult a health professional such as a physiotherapist.

Once you’re at the bottom of your squat, drive up, not forward, to ascend, and make sure you finish tall.

Common squat pitfalls to watch for include:

– initiating by bending knees forward (to fix this, try the “face the wall” drill)

– rounded upper back (think of lifting your sternum, or breastbone)

– rounded low back (this can often by fixed by increasing abduction; push your knees out further. You can bring toes outward up to 30 degrees.)

– feet rolling (feel yourself spreading your big toe and little toe apart from each other)

– knees wobbling inward (pretend that there’s a line between your feet that’s turning into quicksand, and you have to use the outside of your feet to spread the earth apart)

– inadequately extending at top of squat (make sure to stay tall through your spine and the back of your neck)